Trout and Salmon pitch

Well we tried and we were up against some real big hitters. That explains why the website has not been updated as regularly as usual. I was keen to leave the pitch announcement on our front page in the hope that it would drum up some more support.

To those of you that did vote for us, a great big thank you. To those of you that didn’t but voted for another pitch: well done you, at least  you participated. To those that did not vote: apathy will be our downfall, please take an interest; even if it’s bashing the Campaign! As for us: I think we done good!

My thanks to Trout and Salmon for selecting us: I will pen a thank you to them. I hoe that our participation raise the profile of the current efforts to challenge the decision by Natural Resources Wales to close all Welsh hatcheries when the salmon stocks in the great majority of Welsh rivers are in such decline and classified by NRW themselves as “at risk”. We at the Campaign started life  Environment Agency “bashing” before realising that the issue was not the Environment Agency but the Government starving the Environment Agency of funds. That realisation prompted us to try to work with, rather than against the Agency.  I should like to think that the current fractured relationship between many anglers and the new NRW can be repaired, after all we share the same aims as far as fisheries go: protection and improvement.

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